• PolyU Linguistic & Language Group
  • PolyU Linguistic Theory & Language Technology Group

Research Projects

Crowdsourcing, Linguistic Analysis, and Language Resources

This GRF project concerns the crowdsourcing methodology for language resource construction and experimental linguistic studies, semantic transparency, and mental lexicon...

World Chineses and Their Grammatical Variations

The term World Chineses (全球華語), though not as common as World Englishes, is becoming more and more widely used with the increasing popularity of Chinese as a second language and with the Chinese diaspora spreading and growing...

Emotion States as Event Types and Event Coercers in Chinese and English

While primary emotions are probably sums of our survival instincts, success in our highly sophisticated society often depends on how we harness our emotions, and address the emotional needs underlying a specific task...

Emotion Annotated Corpus

We developed a large and comparatively high-quality emotion corpus, which may be used for emotion computing. The corpus is freely provided by clicking on this project and filling a module.

Crowdsourcing Dataset for Semantic Relations

Dataset containing Semantic Relations and Metadata, for Training and Evaluating Distributional Semantic Models. The Dataset is freely available at the link.