WANG Shichang, PhD Candidate
WANG Shichang (王世昌) PhD Candidate Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies The Hong Kong Polytechnic University E-mail: Education2012/07~Present PhD Candidate in Linguistics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR. 2011/09~2012/06 PhD Student in Computational Linguistics, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, PRC. 2007/09~2011/07 Master of Arts in Chinese Linguistics, Shandong University, Shandong, PRC. 2003/09~2007/07 Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language & Literature, Shandong University, Shandong, PRC. ResearchI am mainly interested in “the science and technology of words” includes Morphology, Lexical Semantics, Computational Morphology, Distributional Semantics, Mental Lexicon, etc. My vision is the integrated, interdisciplinary, and cross-linguistic studies of words which comprehensively utilize the theoretical, statistical, computational, psycholinguistic, and cognitive methodologies. Now, I am working on a GRF project titled “Crowdsourcing, Linguistic Analysis, and Language Resources” under the guidance of Prof. Chu-Ren Huang, Dr. Yao Yao, and Dr. Angel Chan, which concerns the emerging crowdsourcing methodology for language resource building and experimental linguistic studies, semantic transparency of Chinese complex words, and the mental lexicon of Chinese native speakers. And I also built several corpora and databases. 1) The Segmented and POS-tagged Corpus of Chinese Automotive Advertising (中文汽车广告分词及词性标注语料库, 2009~2010). 2) The Database of Basic Verbal Morphemes and Disyllabic Verb-Object Compound Words in Modern Chinese (现代汉语基本动语素与动宾式双音复合词数据库, 2010~2011). 3) The Segmented and POS-tagged Corpus of 'Zuo Zhuan' (《左传》分词及词性标注语料库, 2011). 4) The Database of Semantic Transparency of Chinese Disyllabic Nominal Compound Words (SemTransCNC, 现代汉语名词性双音复合词语义透明度数据库, created by crowdsourcing, 2014). I am willing to share these resources for cooperations. I can program in C/C++, Perl, and R and have written tools for Chinese word segmentation, Information retrieval, Latent Semantic Analysis, spammer resistance for crowdsourcing experiments, and experimental data processing & statistics, etc. And I am also an experienced Linux user (since 1999). (Last Modified: June 6, 2014) |